Showing posts with label upholstered furniture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upholstered furniture. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Oriental bed, a chair and a new window

Hi everyone, another we update to let you see how far on I am with Dalton Manor.

I am now working on the top floor rooms, the music room has been moved to the other end of the house and I have made the Lord of the Manor's ( don't have a name for him yet) bedroom with an Oriental theme, I still have some wall decor to go in here and also the fireplace and curtains to be completed. Georgian's loved all things Oriental and French and often had 2 or 3 rooms decorated in this manner. On the left of the photo, you can see the small Chinese table with gold decoration on top of the black lacquered finish. Black and gold is a typical Oriental style for this era. On the table is a wig/hat stand.

 Next door to this bedroom will be the Master's study/library which is an open area at the top of the stairs.

How the bed was dressed starting with the mattress

Then I made the sheet from fine cotton lawn

The bedspread was made with satin brocade and gold ribbon for an Oriental look and finished with some black cord. 

I made some tassels using a fork and sewing thread and added them to the bedposts 

Just some Oriental wall decor to add now and a few accessories

The Study / Library area still to be decorated and furnished


Getting back to the Lady Charlotte and her boudoir
I needed a dressing table and mirror and, as always I couldn't find exactly what I wanted so I bought a mahogany one and painted it white the mirror was a separate buy and was a cheap plastic colour so it too got a makeover to fit the dressing table

the little stool was the same colour so it got painted too and re-upholstered



Last week I had a go at making a winged back chair, so armed with all the materials and my UHU glue I got started. It wasn't too difficult but not really the chair I was hoping it would be when finished....why you might ask..... well it's too Victorian looking and my house as you know is a Georgian mansion so style-wise it just doesn't fit so although I was quite pleased with it, the chair will now be going into the Victorian house instead

the basic shape made with foam board

the back and sides of the chair were covered in wadding and then upholstered with cotton fabric.

the inside back and seat are made separately and glued on


Also last week I decided to put a window on the back stairs. The original build for the house did not have a window here but I decided it needed one so rather than cut a hole in the back wall I made a false window with a picture inserted to give the illusion of looking onto a rather grand garden
The curtains are made from lilac Silk and Guipure lace. Although very expensive, Silk is the best fabric to use for miniatures as it drapes nicely and is not bulky

Another task completed ....we are getting there slowly

The room next to the Master's bedroom which I am making into a study/library reading room is the last remaining room to be decorated. I have ideas for it but at the moment I think I will carry on making some curtains for the rest of the rooms. 

Next time I hope to have all the fire surrounds in place and hopefully the curtains as well.

Thanks for your visit today hope you enjoyed seeing how far on I am with the house. 

See you next time


Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Upholstered furniture, servants hall and the 4 poster bed.....

Hi again, I've been keeping busy this last few weeks and managed to get quite a lot done. Below is a pic of a setee and chairs that were mahogany coloured and covered in a cotton fabric, not very Georgian in appearance so I set about changing them. Fisrt off I removed the fabric which left a really messy covering of hardened glue so I sanded it back painted an undercoat and then used the liquid gold leaf paint. I made sponge padding and upholstered them with silk brocade in cream and gold. Now they fit the Georgian theme perfectly.

Stripped and broken

Old covering
 undercoat                                                                                                                  pattern

 New soffa

 Charlotte's new furniture ready for the morning room


 Now for the servant's hall a new table and benches, chair and a Queen Anne style dresser where most of the silver ware and candle sticks were kept. Still loads to put in here including a fire.


Now onto the bed.  I really wanted a very lush and opulent 4 poster bed for the ladies bedroom and managed to get this one for a good price. Not the colour I had in mind or the material but no matter I set about changing that right away. 

I put it in the room to see where I would place it and was disapointed to see that it was too close to the chandelier, it didn't matter how I placed it the chandelier got in the way. So I decided to have a half canopy instead. I've been working on it for 3 days and you can see the results below.

This is the bed as I bought it and the chandelier is hitting off the canopy it could only go on either side of the light and that's not where I had planned to put it

I had to remove the original canopy and make a new half one in it's place, reduced the height of the front posts and I painted the bed white. You can also see in the pic the silk material I used in the pleater, this handy device  pleats very small for minitures. It looks red but it's actually cerise pink and gold.

 Pleated vallance attached and the first stage of the silk brocade bed cover

 Headboard and pillow added and more lace on the cover

pleated satin ribbon added round the edges 

side drapes made from same silk brocade

canopy decorated and side drapes added... nearly there...

view from the back

So whats missing ?......


The finished 4 poster bed with half canopy and not interfiering with the chandelier 

I am really pleased with the way it turned out and I have saved myself ( and William lol) a few pounds. To buy a fully dressed 4 poster bed on the specialist miniature sites ranges from £80 up to £120 and sometimes more. This bed cost me all in, £25 and I love it more 'cause I made it.....

Thanks for popping in I hope you like the latest makes and buys for the house. it's coming on a ton.

Till next time

Veronica x